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分卷阅读30 (第2/2页)
l the world to find you…” 音乐声响起,付哲的声音跟着响起。 石嘉扬不再喊了,静静地听着付哲的歌声,嘴里面小声地跟着“Find out what we’re made of, What we are called to help our friends in need.” You t on me like owo three, I will be there. And I know when I I t on you like four three two. And you will be there cause that’s what friends are supposed to do. 顾念尘觉得付哲这首歌像是在唱给他听,或者说是在唱给他们听,他突然觉得好幸福,他也有朋友了,原来有朋友的感觉是这样的,这样快乐,这样开心,像从心底开出了一大片花,像连续多天的阴云被阳光照开,像久旱的草地遇见一场甘霖。 “If you toss and you turn and you just ’t fall asleep, I will sing a song beside you.” 叶树也跟着小声哼了起来,顾念尘看了他一眼,恰巧对上他的目光,“And if you ever fet how much you really mean to me. Everyday I will remind you.” 顾念尘听见他们三个人的声音和在一起,“You t on me like owo three, I will be there.” 他露出一个笑容,跟着唱了起来,“And I know when I I t on you like four three two. And you will be there.” 台下有许多人跟着唱,付哲望着他们三个的方向,四个人的声音和视线汇集在一起,“Cause that’s what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah~ You will always have my shoulder when you cry, I will never let go. Never say goodbye you know…” “You t on me cause I t on you.” 一首歌唱完,付哲对着台下鞠了个躬,现场再次响起了掌声,石嘉扬又恢复了刚开始的样子,两只手用力挥舞着荧光棒,大声地喊:“付哲最棒,付哲最强……” 只不过这次付哲对着他露出一个大大的笑容,挥了挥手。石嘉扬龇着一口大白牙,喊得更起劲了,直到下一个人上场。他放下荧光棒,说了句“累死我了。” 他俩还没接话,就听石嘉扬接着说:“早知道就带个喇叭过来了。”叶