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分卷阅读37 (第1/2页)
ound Somebody save me Let your warm hands break right through and Save me I don't care how you do it Just stay, stay Oh e on I've been waiting for you I see the world has folded in your heart I feel the waves crash down inside And they pulled me under I would give you anything you want, know You were all I wanted And all my dreams have fallen down Crawling around Somebody save me Let your warm hands break right through Somebody save me I don't care how you do it Just stay, stay e on I've been waiting for you Crawling around Somebody save me Let your warm hands break right through Somebody save me I don't care how you do it Just save me I made this whole world shine for you Just stay, stay e on I'm still waiting for you 感觉自己的羽毛翅膀被折断,身陷于惊涛骇浪险境中, 谁能将我从水深火热中救起 唯有你才能救我 等着你用温暖的手来救我 梦想破灭,坠入永无止境的漩涡里,渴望你那双温暖的手 你是我的希望,我的世界因你而大放异彩 唯有你才能救我 等着你来救我 等着你来救我 他苦笑了一下,心里暗忖’有谁不渴望有双能将自己救出困境的一双手?现在就有位老人家等着我来‘救’他。 就在要抬脚急速走回人群中时,脑袋里又响起宙斯急促的声音:“丫头! 抱歉!我现在才知道这件事,我那丧尽天良的哥哥竟然在自己儿子身上下了急速衰老咒语! 妳必须在这首歌结束之前找到赫,然后吻上他的唇! 要快!赫会衰老致死的!” 洛克心头一震,他终于了解为何他觉得那老人家的眼神如此熟悉了,那老人家就是他深爱的赫!耳际又传来歌手的歌声,他意识到这首歌快结束了! “你们全部给我让开!!” 他怒吼着,疾奔