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分卷阅读21 (第2/2页)
,在最近刚刚盛开的丁香花盆景间,在逐渐明亮的灯光下,凌亦颀一字一顿。 “无论是你,还是大菡,都是我最重要的人。” You see, birds in the sky Flying so high Got everywhere to go You find, faces with smile Only delight No sorrow You hear, calls from your friends Songs from your heart you never alone You draw, picture you want Dream in your life No sorrow When everyone passed by You ain\'t left behind I always stand by When the su arrives Your world is still bright By the heart of light Cos we always strive In the beautiful life beautiful life You hear, calls from your friends Songs from your heart you never alone You draw, picture you want Dream in your life No sorrow When everyone passed by You ain\'t left behind I always stand by When the su arrives Your world is still bright By the heart of light Cos we always strive In the beautiful life In the beautiful life 作者有话要说: 真好啊~希望小染能尽早摆脱之前的顾虑~ 感觉很适合他,这首歌,也是凌亦颀想向小染表达的话~ 还有,丁香花的花语是等待爱情~ 啊,我的少女心。 第25章 22 凌亦颀如此郑重地和染劭涵说话已经不只一次,之前往往都被染劭涵装傻蒙混过去,那时他还有很多顾虑,他担心自己撒谎的事暴露,担心凌亦颀不能接受自己喜欢女装,他甚至担心凌亦颀只是一时兴起,捉弄他玩。 但是,刚刚的话,突然把他长久以来紧绷的神经抚平了。他与大菡本就是一体的,周围的评价和“道德规范”迫使他把自己割裂,人们称赞的是他身为