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,所以自己斗胆在前人的基础上改了一下(主要是百度里的那个吟唱版,不知道作者是谁……改的主要是后半段),更贴近本文的意境和我心中的感觉。大家可以去百度和维基上查其他的翻译版本。 作者Johon 约翰牛顿 (1725-1807)。出自赞美诗集 Olney Hymns Amazing grace! (how sweet the sound) 奇异恩典,歌声甘甜, That sav'd a wretch like me! 救赎我的无助。 I once was lost, but now am found, 我曾迷途,而今知返; Was blind, but now I see. 盲眼今得重见。 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, 他教我的心去敬畏, And grace my fears reliev'd; 他又使我释然。 How precious did that grace appear, 这恩典如此珍贵, The hour I first believ'd! 我刚才萌发信仰,他便随之出现! Thro' many dangers, toils and snares, 历经艰险,保守磨难, I have already e; 我已安然度过。 'Tis grace has brought me safe thus far, 是他护我平安, And grace will lead me home. 他会带我回家。 The Lord has promis'd good to me, 主人承诺了美好, His word my hope secures; 他的誓言使我心安; He will my shield and portion be, 他是我的铠甲,我的命运, As long as life endures. 一直到生命的终点。 Yes, when this flesh a shall fail, 是的,总有一天血rou会消散, And mortal life shall cease; 凡俗的生命终将结束; I shall possess, within the veil, 我将拥有幸福和宁静 A life of joy and peace. 直至死亡* The earth shall soon dissolve like snow, 地球会像雪花般消融, The sun forbear to shine; 太阳也将黯淡。 But God, who call'd me here below,